Tuesday 28 August 2018

Here are ways on how you can save money on your AWS Bill

aws price

Amazon Web Services is all over the Cloud computing market because of its varied services and pricing options. It does give the customers the flexibility to use their services according to their business requirement. There are a lot of financial benefits customers gain from shifting the physical IT infrastructure to the AWS Cloud. But customers still find ways to lower their cost and save money. AWS does offer a bunch of ways to save money by using different means and features to save on AWS bill. 

The pay as you go pricing is the great way to kick start on services which basically gives the customers full control over their usage and cost range. The customers can scale the capacity up or down according to their usage so with this the customer doesn’t suffer in paying for those resources that they didn’t use. 

AWS is popular not only for their service that they render but also for the pricing options that they offer. Business has the control over this technology instead of the technology controlling them. This means that with this pricing option you will have control over the services that you use and also on cost aspect. Customers can stop or start the instances as per their requirement and only pay for the usage and not for the service. So with the flexibility of scaling down or up the storage or the server levels eliminate the chances of overspending on the infrastructure. 

How you can reduce the AWS Bill?

AWS pay as you go pricing method also known as on-demand pricing method has done wonders on the customers AWS bill. As businesses have come to know the importance of Cloud computing in today’s market because of the cost-saving features and high-performance deliverance. The business and especially start-ups are benefitting hugely with the AWS Services and their pricing model. Businesses are saving on their cost and also boosting their performance easily. 

The on-premise IT infrastructure does not give the customer the flexibility to scale up or down the storage or the server capacity. You have to spend a lot of money on the maintenance of the hardware and hire an expert to manage the hardware. The customers don’t get the flexibility to scale up or down the resources and have to pay for the services that they don’t use.

But AWS allows you to save on cost and time in the maintenance and usage of the services. 

Monitoring and Scheduling:

Now as you have to come to know that you can scale down or up the services. But do you know that you can schedule the EC2 instances to stop or start in advance!. You can set the time to pause the EC2 instances which are not in use in off-hours such as holidays, nights, weekends, etc. This way you will save a lot on cost and avoid unnecessary spending. You can save up to 70 percent by enabling the EC2 scheduling. With EC2 scheduler you can create an automatic start and stop schedules by applying resource tag to the instances. Amazon DynamoDB already has the start and stop parameters and the recurring AWS Lambda functions start and stops the instances that you have tagged. You can use the Amazon CloudWatch to monitor the capacity and the usage so that you can control your AWS costing and reduce wastage of resources. You can also schedule Relational Database Service instances to further reduce the AWS bill. 

Automation of AWS Service:

Automating various task can help you save time and money and focus on the business development aspect. You can automate data backups on different regions which is a part of the Disaster recovery plan for the continuity of the business. You can also automate the Amazon Machine Images and EBS Snapshots and customize it depending on the business tolerance for data loss. This way you can set a limit of backups so that only essential data are been backed up. 

How AWS Managed Services can help you optimize your AWS Services?

There are many means of saving up on your cost but you can save more by opting for an AWS Managed Services. The managed service providers study your business model and find ways to optimize your cost and at the same time increase the performance of the business. Now there are ways to utilize these cost-saving features but it is not easy for those who don’t have any experience or knowledge of scripting. AWS Managed Services Provider has experts that are well versed with Amazon Web Services and that efficiently use AWS Services to power up your infrastructure and at the same time find ways to save up on cost.  

About Cloud.in:

Cloud.in is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner that delivers AWS managed services that cater every business need and aims in simplifying the AWS Cloud Journey. Our Team is the driving force behind Cloud.in with the experience, knowledge, and the skills that they behold in making cloud computing and AWS Cloud a pleasant experience. 

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