Thursday, 21 December 2017

Amazon Web Service Deep Learning AMIs now are available in Mumbai, Frankfurt, Singapore and Beijing

The Amazon Web Service Deep Learning Amazon Machine Image is now available in Mumbai, Frankfurt, Beijing and Singapore. The Amazon Machine Image now offers machine learning practitioners with the tools and infrastructure to speed up the deep to quickly start practicing and experimenting with the Deep Learning Models. 

The Amazon Machine Image consists of pre-built packages of deep learning frameworks including Keras and Pytorch, Apache MXNet and Gluon, Theano, Tensorflow, Torch, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, Caffe and Caffe2. If you want to enhance your model training and development then the Amazon Machine Image pre-configured with NVidia CUDA and cuDNN drivers and it is optimized for GPU acceleration on the Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute P2 and P3 instances. 

People are interested in the topics that are mentioned above are familiar with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Solution which is allowed by Deep Learning such as Video Classification and Convolution Neural Network for Image, recommendation Engines Natural Language Interfaces and Speech Recognition. But it is not an always convenient task to set the environment, tools, and infrastructure to allow the data scientist, research scientist, deep learning hobbyist and machine learning practitioners to experience such technologies. There are some resources that will aid you to swiftly generate deep learning solutions whether you are a curious developer or an experienced data scientist waiting to get started.

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