Monday 4 September 2017

Amazon S3 Storage Management Features are now available in Amazon Web Service GovCloud (US) Region

Amazon Web Service introduced new features to Amazon S3 Storage Management abilities to aid in analyzing better and storage management. The following are the features in Amazon Web Service GovCloud (US).

With S3 Object Tagging, you can now control and handle the access for Amazon S3 Objects. S3 Objects Tags is the Key-Value pairs that are implemented to S3 objects that can be built, deleted or updated at any time during the period of object durability. You will be able to build identity and Access Management (IAM) policies with the setup S3 Lifecycle policies and you can also customise storage metrics. You can manage the transition between the storage categories and expired objects in the background with the help of object level tags.

S3 Analytics with Storage Class Analysis you can evaluate access patterns of the storage and can change the right data to the right path of the storage class. It can identify the optimal lifecycle policy to change less frequently accessed storage to Infrequent Access Storage. You can set up a storage class analysis policy to monitor the entire object tag, bucket, and a prefix. When an infrequent access pattern is recognized you can conveniently build a new life cycle age policy established on the results. You will also get a daily visualization of the storage usage in the Amazon Web Service Management Console with the Storage Class Analysis.

S3 Inventory can help you conveniently speed up and simplify the big data jobs and business workflows that offer a scheduled alternative to Amazon S3s synchronous List API. S3 Inventory offers a Comma Separated Values which is a flat- file output to the object and their equivalent metadata on a regular basis for the Amazon S3 bucket or on a shared prefix.

S3 CloudWatch Metrics will improve and understand the performance of the application that uses the Amazon S3 by alarming and monitoring on the 13 new S3 CloudWatch Metrics. You can set CloudWatch Alarms, access CloudWatch Dashboards to view the performance and real-time operation such as bytes downloaded and the 4xx HTTP response count on the Amazon S3 storage and you can also receive 1-minute CloudWatch Metrics. It will also promptly identify and can act fast on the operational issue for Web Application and Mobile Applications depending on the Cloud Storage. You can determine the filters for the metrics that are collected by utilizing the object tag or shared prefix that will enable you to align metrics to the particular business applications, internal organization, and workflows.

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