Friday, 22 February 2019

Amazon EC2 Fleet Allows You Enlarge Target Capacity Limits

Amazon EC2 Fleet make simpler the supply of EC2 capacity covering several instance types, Availability Zones (AZs), and buy alternatives to optimize for scale, performance, and cost. Assignment plans allow you decide how EC2 Fleet should choose from the instance types and AZs you have defined to complete the required capacity. Now you can request to enlarge the limits for the target capacity for your AWS account in a chose region. By default, there is a soft limit of 10,000 units per single EC2 Fleet and 100,000 units for target capacity covering every Fleets in a region. If you require additional than the default limits, you can fill the AWS Support Center create case form for limit expansion. For *Limit type*, select *EC2 Fleet*, show the Fleet limit expansion you want for Target Fleet Capacity per Fleet or Target Fleet Capacity per Region or both. To know about limits for EC2 Fleet, refer this page

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