Tuesday, 8 May 2018

AWS Development service offers various tools to build and test applications so to push apps from code to production

AWS services

DevOps is based on Automation which is its core components. It allows development teams to adopt an error-resistant approach to software delivery. Well, there are a lot of automation tools in the market but Amazon Web Service Development tools and services help teams to work together and quickly build quality software. We have to understand how Code commit, Code builds and Codedeploy work together in an AWS deployment pipeline. 

Previously, code checks into the source control repository where the developers compile, install or creates a package on the code before it gets deployed. Then the output is tested and the result is deployed to a test environment to test it again. Now, this end-to-end process is called a build pipeline. 

CodeCommit, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy work together to automate this end-to-end process whereas CodePipelines glues them all together. Lets us understand how AWS development service can be used for build pipeline.


For example, the developer is working on the code and when it is stable enough to commit and the developer will check the code into the source control repository such as AWS CodeCommit. It just a place to store various other artifacts and version controlled text files.


 When the code is stored the AWS Codebuild takes the committed code and converts it where the end users can consume. Development teams’ run integration test and unit test and also creates build artifacts such as file copies, software installers, and packages. You can choose any environment for the code with AWS CodeBuild. When the code is converted, AWS Codebuild produces software that the end user can use it instantly instead of just text files full of codes.


When the Code is Build then it’s time to deploy build artifact with AWS CodeDeploys. It shows that what will happen when the user interacts with the software. CodeDeploy takes build artifacts to deploy or install them to environments of multiple states. Developers get the control to test what happens when the end product is deployed in different environments. This is the last process of the build pipeline where the developer can send the application to the production environments or can test the application again.


CodeCommit, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy are all different AWS development service where it is all linked one to the other. Now to build a complete build pipeline you will need something that will keep them all hold on together and that is where AWS CodePipeline kicks in. AWS CodePipeline helps the developer to manage the deployment process with a single dashboard that will provide an end-to-end view from code via AWS development service to the user product performance. You can utilize CodePipeline to define multiple environments from where the application deploys. Code Triggers automation can be set via CodePipeline which will create an automated continuous delivery pipeline. 

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