Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Node.js v10 Supported By AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a compute service that allows you to execute code excluding provisioning or managing servers. AWS Lambda runs your code only when required and scales automatically, from a few requests per day to thousands per second. Besides, you can execute code for virtually any type of application or backend service - all with zero administration. Now you can build your AWS Lambda functions with the Node.js v10. Also the to the leveraging new features in Node.js v10 like the performance enhancements in the V8 6.6 engine, Lambda functions written in Node.js 10 execute on the recent generation of Amazon Linux, Amazon Linux 2. You can directly upload your code as a ZIP via AWS CLI or AWS Lambda console and choose the Node.js 10.x runtime to start deploying your Node.js code as a Lambda function. Further you can utilize the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) to deploy and manage your serverless application authored in Node.js. You can read more about the Node.js programming model in the AWS Lambda documentation. The Node.js 10.x runtime is accessible in every regions where Lambda is available. AWS Lambda will automatically update the language minor versions to recent minor version, as defined by https://github.com/nodejs/Release.

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