Monday 5 March 2018

Amazon SageMaker now support CUDA 9, Tensorflow 1.5 and Apache MXNet 1.0 for P3 Instance Optimization

Apache MXNet 1.0 and TensorFlow 1.5 can be utilized with the pre-built deep learning frameworks containers that are offered with the Amazon SageMaker. Amazon SageMaker also have added support for CUDA 9 drivers for faster performance on the Amazon SageMaker ml.p3 instances. MXNet and TensorFlow with the latest update will offer improved performance features with other details that are on the respective GitHub repositories for MXNet 1.0.0 and Tensor Flow 1.5. Amazon SageMaker support for the latest MXNet and TensorFlow and CUDA 9 is available in US East (N.Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon) and EU (Ireland) AWS Regions. 

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