Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Amazon CloudWatch supports two chart visualization options in dashboards and metrics

AWS has announced Pan and Zoom and Leaderboard chart visualization options in the CloudWatch Dashboards and CloudWatch Metrics Console. You can now utilize the CloudWatch console to graph metric data created by the Amazon Web Service and the applications. You can now zoom into the shorter period of time such as one minute or five minutes while viewing the metric graph at a longer interval. To zoom into the metric graph please tap and drag the mouse on the entire graph for the period required. Once you have zoomed you can also pan the metric graph on the selected interval but zoomed at a detailed level. To reset the zoom, just click the zoom out button at the top. You can also view the leaderboard of all graphed metrics when you look over the graph. The Leaderboard shows series of values and metrics in the order to appear at the chosen time. 

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