Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Amazon EC2 P2 instances are now available in Europe (Frankfurt) Regions, Asia Pacific (Singapore) and in Asia Pacific (Mumbai)

Amazon Web Service introduced an Amazon EC2 P2 instance that is now available in Europe (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Singapore) and in Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Regions. P2 instances are preferred for computing overloaded applications that need GPU coprocessors with deliverance of consistent high performance and massive horizontal floating point performance. It includes seismic analysis, computational fluid dynamics, molecular modelling, computational finance, rendering workloads and genomics. Amazon P2 instances provide up to 16 NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPUs, over 23 teraflops of double precision floating point performance, 192GB of total video memory, and 40,000 horizontal processing cores accommodating 70 teraflops of single precision floating point performance. 

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